Winnebago County Burning Regulations

Winnebago County Burning Regulations
- "Landscape Waste"
Means all accumulations of grass or shrubbery cuttings, leaves, flowers, and weeds.

- "Brush"
Means tree trunks, limbs, branches, and twigs.

- "Planted Subdivision"
Means land which has been divided pursuant to the code of Winnebago County, into two or more parts, any of which part is less than two and one half acres for the purpose of ownership.

For Unincorporated Areas of the County:
a) wholly surrounded by one or more municipalities not allowing landscape waste open burning or
b) any platted subdivision, adjacent subdivision, or mobile home park, completely or partially within one mile of any municipality not allowing landscape waste open burning;

- burning of landscape waste is prohibited at all times
- brush may be burned in recreational fires as stated in "Exemptions" below
- burning of any materials other than brush or those materials identified in the "Exemptions" below, is prohibited and punishable

For Unincorporated Areas of the County outside the restricted areas described above:
- burning of dry landscape waste is permitted on the weekends from April 15th through May 15th and on weekends during the month of November when following the Standard Restrictions below
- brush may be burned in recreational fires as stated in "Exemptions" below
- burning of any materials other than landscape waste, brush, or those materials identified in the "Exemptions" below is prohibited and punishable.
Standard Restrictions
- No unattended burning; some form of fire extinguishing must be available at the burning site.
- No burning of landscape waste or brush generated on other property
- No burning before 10:00 AM or after 7:00 PM
- No burning on non sunny days when the wind exceeds 10 m.p.h.
- No burning within 25 feet of any building, structure, or property line.
- No burning upon sidewalks, right-a-way, streets, highways, or other public roadways.
- By farms or their agents or employees under strict supervision and in the course of their employment.  As used in this section, "farm" shall be defined as the 1970 Federal Census:
i. an area of ten or less contiguous acres having an annual sale of agriculture products not less than $250.00  or
ii. an area of greater than ten contiguous acres having an annual sale of agriculture products of $50.00.
- By authorized special permit by the State Environment Protection Agency pursuant to the provision of Part 237 of Title 35 of the Illinois Administration Code as amended.
- Burning for camp/picnics or other recreational purposes, such burning shall not include landscape waste, but may include brush and other camp fire fuels.
- Burning for the purpose of prairie restoration.
A fine of up to $500 shall be imposed for a violation to this ordinance.
For any information or complaints call (815) 319 - 4004

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