
Josh Gesner
Josh Gesner
Josh Gesner is a Sergeant with the Winnebago County Sheriff's department. He is a Boylan High School graduate as well as Rock Valley College and Northern Illinois University. His desire to serve his community was what motivated him to run for Harlem Township Trustee.
Paul Hofmann
Paul Hofmann
Paul Hofmann is an Engineer by training who rose the management level. He received his engineering degree from the University of Michigan and his Masters in Business Administration from Rockford College. He was employed at Collins Aerospace-Sundstrand for nearly 40 years.
Ronald Esser
Ronald Esser
Ronald "Ron" Esser is dedicated to service. He is a Marine Corps veteran, a Highway Maintainer, and he has served the public working for the Illinois Department of Transportation. As a Teamster for 23 years, Ron served as a shop steward where he resolved issues and provided leadership while earning the trust of his coworkers. A member of the American Trucking Association and the Marine Corps League, Ron is married and lives in Loves Park.
Aaron McKnight
Aaron McKnight
Aaron is in the Media Marketing industry and has a long-time experience with sales and communication. Aaron believes that communication is critical to sales and it also is a critical tool of government. He believes that the township needs to be more transparent about the budget issues as well as the services that the township provides taxpayers.